wellstone acupuncture
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Herbs.
Helen Bornstein
M.S., L.Ac, Dipl. OM
Reproductive Medicine Certified Fellow, American Board of Reproductive Oriental Medicine
Clinical Externship (Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, China)
Helen is board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) in acupuncture and Chinese herbology and is licensed by the state of Colorado. While receiving her Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine, she specialized in obstetrics and gynecology, sports medicine, and Dr. Tan’s Pain Management Balance Method. However, she treats a wide variety of internal health concerns and orthopedic pain, and looks to help both men and women with fertility planning.
Through clarity, compassion and accuracy she is committed to treating the whole person - after all if the foundation is strong the outside can flourish.
To learn more about Helen's treatments for infertility, pregnancy health, hot flashes, orthopedic/sports medicine injuries (shoulder, back, knee, ankle, wrist, etc.), and stress management, click here.